photoelectric equation

英 [ˌfəʊtəʊɪˈlektrɪk ɪˈkweɪʒn] 美 [ˌfoʊtoʊɪˈlektrɪk ɪˈkweɪʒn]

网络  光电效应方程; 光电方程



  1. Einstein photoelectric equation and the extrapolation method of photoelectric effect experiment
  2. Our results show clearly that the intrinsic contradiction in extrapolation method will disappear if the Einstein photoelectric equation is replaced by modified Einstein photoelectric equation.
  3. Photoelectric spectrophotometer was used to determine the light-absorbent rate of the test solutions of mixed and the content of maize starch in mixed starch was calculated by data regression equation.
  4. Based on the error resource analysis in one-way photoelectric triangulated heigh survey, the horizontal distance equation is drawn for optimal station away from survey point.
  5. The position sensitive detector ( PSD) is a photoelectric sensor based on lateral photoeffect. Its mathematical model is the Lucovsky equation, which has the analytic solution within two-dimensional region under special conditions.
  6. This thesis will first introduce the basic principle of photoelectric image sensors. The hardware circuit of the photoelectric image sensor will be presented along with the equation of linear regression obtained by software programming and experiments.